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Refund policy

All you need to know about our refund timelines can be seen below:
Please note that only 2 attempts will be made to retrieve your item.
Business days are from Monday to Friday and do not include Weekends and Public Holidays.


Refund Timeline:


The refund time starts from the day the item you would like to return is picked up by one of our delivery associates to the day the refund process is completed.
Note: If the reason for returning an item cannot be validated, such item will be redelivered to you and a refund will not be processed.


If your return request is validated, our refund timelines will be as follows:


• If you paid with Cash, the refund will be issued to your bank account details provided when creating your return. It may take up to 2 - 5 business days for your bank to credit the refund amount to your account.


• If you paid via bank card, you'll receive the refund back to your bank card within 24 hours. it may take up to 3 - 7 business days for your bank to credit the refund amount to your account.


